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Pupil Premium Children

2022-2023 (Funds expected to be £2,410)

There is just one child now in the school. School to pay 2 After School Clubs to a total of £450, 3 trips over the year to a total of £60.  Over the year 95 hours of focus support, small group work and one to one support. Total: £2,053.00. £357 in reserve for uniform, extra resources etc over the year  

2021 -2022 (£4,035)

Salary of SENDCo TA who supports premium children as well as premium children is £12.24 per hour. Premium children receive 30 minutes support each day which equals 95 hours per child per year = £3,488.40. School pays for after school gymnastic lessons = £252 per year and trips during the course of the year £60 and uniform and school bag £60. Total: £3,860.40. £174.60 in reserve for any relevant requests from parents or resources school needs in the classroom to support these children.

The main barrier to educational achievement faced by some eligible children at school appears to be lack of support from parents or inability to support children from parents. School produces support plans which help parents give the relevant support to their children at home. These support plans are reviewed termly or more regularly if required.

Children benefit from daily support either as focus children in class. one to one or small group sessions. Appropriate resources are purchased as and when to support these children. Assessments were made at the beginning of the Autumn term and one out of three children were age related. The children's progress will be monitored regularly.

Autumn review: Child in Year 2 achieved Expected results for Reading. Writing and maths for KS1 SATs. Child in EYFS achieved ELGs (2) in all areas apart from Writing (1). Child to continue to receive extra support especially in Writing