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About Friends of Fulmer

Who are we?

The Fulmer Infant School PA is known as Friends of Fulmer (FoF) and is a registered charity made up of a fantastic group of parents, teachers, sponsors, donators who work together, voluntarily, to coordinate memorable events and fundraising initiatives for the good of the school and most of all the children.

Something that often draws parents to Fulmer school is its small size, which the children benefit from greatly every day. This also means that there are fewer parents to help fundraise for resources, so every help is gratefully received. No matter how big or small the contribution, whether you want to join the organising team or just help out for a few hours on the day of an event or just simply bake some cakes or offer any skills you have, it will all be much valued.  

Fulmer is also an ‘outstanding school’ but the school doesn’t receive enough government funding to achieve everything it wants for the pupils so the PA funds are vital to enhancing their learning experience.

What are the funds used for?

FoF work closely with the headteacher, teaching staff, governors and parents to understand the needs of the children and the school. Previously FoF has provided the school with new laptops, Ipads, plus further resources and experiences that enrich the curriculum such as the real life chick hatching programme and educational school trips. One of the biggest achievements recently was the garden project led by FoF which raised substantial funds and brought the local community together to improve the outdoor garden area enabling the children to have more space to play & learn freely. 

How do we fundraise?

The FoF’s main aim is to raise the much needed funds for the school by organising enjoyable events for the children throughout the school year. Just to name a few popular events from the last school year: September started off with a welcome brunch for new families and a second hand uniform sale, Halloween party in October, school trips throughout the autumn term, Christmas Fair with Santa’s grotto, Children’s movie nights, Ladies nights & Mother’s Day gift workshops, Sponsored spring family fun walk at Black Park and Village fete in the summer.  None of these events could go ahead without the great community spirit and all the hard work behind the scenes but besides these events raising additional funds for the school, most importantly the children also take great pride in taking part and  gather fantastic memories at the same time.

How can you get involved?

As a parent/carer or staff member, you are automatically considered to be a valued member of the FoF family. Your level of involvement is entirely up to you. However the more help we have the easier it gets for all. It really is wonderful to come and help out in the school if you’re able to… your children are proud to see you there, as well as the general excitement from all the other kids… volunteering is surely very rewarding when you see them smile. Plus being part of the FoF community is also a great way to get to know other parents and making friends. 

Get in touch to find out about the next FoF meeting as we would love to hear about any new ideas you might have about raising funds, new events or helping out with existing events. 

Get in touch if you would like to know more about:

  • Upcoming meeting dates
  • Upcoming school events
  • Second hand uniform purchases
  • School community fundraising initiatives
  • Donations/sponsors
  • Volunteering opportunities

Contact details: