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Our Curriculum - a cross curricular approach to learning

At Fulmer Infant School, children's learning is cross curricular as we believe this approach makes links with different parts of learning, enhancing and embedding the learning and, more importantly, makes learning FUN and therefore more memorable revisiting skills and knowledge which progress throughout their three years here at Fulmer Infant school.

Click here to visit the National Curriculum online National Curriculum

Children contribute to the direction of the topics. Subjects that do not naturally fit into the theme are taught as discrete units. The curriculum is planned in a systematic way ensuring revision, recap and recall of skills and knowledge.

Our philosophy of learning is that every child should access a curriculum which is broad, balanced and fun so that each child is happy and confident for the next stage of their learning.

How we enrich our curriculum

The curriculum is enhanced by a number of trips throughout the year, for example to the Science Museum, the Iver Environmental Centre, the Roald Dahl Museum, Windsor Castle, River and Boat museum, Pizza Express, competitive sports with other local schools, dance and music with other local schools, all these visits are timed so that they reinforce their learning of relevant skills and knowledge.

Every Friday children choose a non fiction or fiction book from our library.

There are also enriching traditions such as the children baking their own Christmas cakes, designing and publishing their own Christmas cards, country dancing with local schools, Easter bonnet parades, outside learning in our outdoor writing hut, raising chicks (see the time-lapse video of a hatching chick below), learning to play drums during Black history month, musical mornings for Mothers’ day and fathers' day, Christmas and Summer productions, fund raising for a variety of charities, World Book Day activities and much, much more.

Out RE curriculum is supplemented by assemblies led by staff and local members of the community who celebrate their faiths using religious artefacts which are then displayed in the library for everyone to see and respect.


We use the Little Wandle phonics scheme of work.

Reading Schemes

We have just purchased new decodable Big Cat books.

Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum Overview

Parents can find out more about our curriculum by attending our workshops led by staff. Please also visit our parent page for more information and tips on how you can help your child learn.
