Our Governors
Welcome to Fulmer Infant School Governing Body
Our purpose:
We are all volunteers who come from the parent body, staff and the local community. Our responsibility is provide support and challenge to the school by working with the Head Teacher and her staff to:
- Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
- Hold the Head Teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and it’s pupils and the performance management of the staff.
- Oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure it’s money is well spent.
Our Members:
Our Governing Board is made up of two parent governors, five co-opted governors, one governor appointed by the Local Authority, one member of staff and the Headteacher. We come from different backgrounds, but all share a passion for education and an ambition to make the school the best it can be for all its pupils.
The Chair and Vice-Chair are elected by the Governing Board on an annual basis.
The Governing Board can also appoint Associate Members from time to time who offer specific skills and perspectives but who do not vote at Full Governing Board meetings.
Gwyneth Langley (Chair of Governors) - Co-opted Governor
Harshita Bansal – Co-opted Governor
Gillian Davey – Co-opted Governor
Nahida Malik – Co-opted Governor
Rajpreet Kataria– Co-opted Governor
Anita Benawra – Parent Governor
Vacancy - Parent Governor
Lewis Fogarty – LA Appointed Governor
Genevieve Hamilton - Staff Governor
Julie Matton – Headteacher
Our Structure:
The Governing Board meets once a term as a full Board. Responsibilities are also delegated to committees which cover Finance / Resources and Curriculum.
Learning and Development Committee - Lewis Fogarty (Chair) Gill Davey, Nahida Malik, Gwyneth Langley, Harshita Bansal, Julie Matton.
Finance / Resources – Gwyneth Langley (Chair), Navdeep Basra, Gill Davey, Julie Matton.
The documents below provide further information about our Governing Board, including the appointment dates of all current governors and those who have been governors in the past 12 months, the number of meetings attended and their roles on the Governing Board.
We are collecting anonymous data on our governing board's diversity. This will be published once collated. As part of our equalities work at Fulmer Infant School, we seek to recruit governors from a wide range of communities, heritage, age, experience and vocations.