Our Heritage
The first written record of the existence of a school in Fulmer, is in the Minute Book of the first Board Meeting for the school held on 17th October 1878. But a school had existed, supported by subscriptions from members of the parish for many years before this, on a piece of land granted by the Duke of Somerset on 7th August 1844 – which is where the Village Hall now stands.
An inspection of the building on 4th November 1903 said, “the building was in a state of disrepair, there was no playground, no water supply to the school or the school house, water had to be fetched from the village pump across the road and the earth closets drained into the brook at the back of the school.” The buildings continued to deteriorate and it was decided to build a new school.
The school in Alderbourne Lane was built on land purchased by the LEA from Mr Edward Dent, of Slough, for £100 in August 1907. It was estimated that the building would be complete by 8th August 1908, but it wasn’t actually finished until October 1908. The formal opening was performed by Tonman Mosley on 20th October 1908, and the contract price was £1,167 but the total cost was £1,147-7s-7d. The Board of Education stated in February 1909, “the new council school in Fulmer was recognised as providing accommodation for 60 older children and 30 infants.”
By 1910, there were organised games and a flourishing garden class (which sold its produce) and in 1915, the front gardens were developed to provide cooked vegetables from the garden to help with the Cheap Food Campaign during WW1. Records also say that in 1916, the total cost of staff salaries was £150 and the stationary cost £6-8s-4d.
Fulmer village provided a relative ‘safe haven’ for evacuees during WW2 and in September 1940, the number of children attending school rose from an average of 55 to 67. An air raid shelter was built close to the school, the windows fitted with black out curtains and all the children were issued with gas masks.
The school today still retains its small classroom sizes but with all the modern facilities you would expect to see in a 21st century infant school.
In 2004, we completed the building of our Reception classroom, which was opened by HRH Princess Alexandra. This has provided a wonderful and spacious environment for our Early Years’ children.
At the same time we improved our library area and provided a staff room and offices for the Head Teacher and Secretary. This building work was 50% funded by support from the local community, parents and ex-parents, pupils and ex-pupils, for which we were extremely grateful.
In 2006, we again raised funds to add to grants so that we could extend the small Y2 classroom and in 2007, we refurbished the Y1 classroom so that all three classrooms are large, bright and suitable environments for learning.
In 2008, we built an outside covered teaching area between the Reception and Year 1 classrooms and in 2009, the playground was resurfaced and painted to the children’s design.
2015 – we now have a wonderful school hall! This resource has significantly enhanced PE provision, accommodates lunch for all the children, is a place for assemblies, concerts and extra curricular activities and a venue for children’s parties. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the building.